Friday, March 28, 2008

Indung Indung

Indung indung kepala lindung
Hujan di udik di sini mendung
Anak siapa pakai kerudung
Mata melirik kaki ke sandung....

This song comes in many versions... even in dang dut...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

What is a harmonica?

Harmonica a free reed wind instrument. It produces tones or notes when you blow air into or draw air out by placing lips over individual holes (reed chambers) or multiple holes. The wind pressure caused by blowing or drawing air into the reed chambers causes a reed or multiple reeds to vibrate up and down thus creating sound.

A harmonica contains many chambers. Each chamber has multiple, variable-tuned brass, bronze, or stainless steel reeds. The reeds are riveted at one end and loose on the other end. The loose end vibrates and creates sound.

Reeds are pre-tuned to individual tones. Each tone is determined according to the size of reed.

Longer reeds make deep, low sounds and short reeds make higher-pitched sounds. On certain types of harmonica the pre-tuned reed can be changed to another note by blowing or drawing air strongly into the chamber. This technique is called bending.

There are many types of harmonicas; Diatonic, Chromatic, Tremolo, Orchestral, Bass, each used for its own specific sound and can be played in many keys and many types of music.

You may use a harmonica to play blues, Malay joget, American folk music, jazz, classical music, country music, rock and roll, and pop music. The harmonica is also finding its place in more electronically generated music, such as dance and hip-hop, as well as funk and acid jazz.

The harmonica has other nicknames, especially in blues music, including: harp, blues harp, mouth organ (widely used in India), blues mouth organ, and bangsi (in Malay language).

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Never on Sunday, Blues Harp Ms Hohner harmonica

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oh Susanna

Oh Susanna! using my Hohner Blues Harp Ms

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Anakku Sazali - Harmonica Playing

Another song from a classic malay movie - Anakku Sazali. In this clip I played OceanStar Hohner harmonica.

Malam Bulan Purnama

In this clip, I played Ocean Star Hohner. This song is from a very popular classic malay movie, Pendekar Bujang Lapok.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Katakan Sejujurnya

Another Malay song, Katakan Sejujurnya....


The song was by AlleyCats.

Harmonica Player

I've always wanted to create a blog on harmonica playing. I won't wait any longer. Today I am creating it.

My plan is to post 1 video of me playing a harmonica, at least once a month.

For a start, a malay song....